6 Ways to keep kids engage while teaching intonation
1. Teach Unison Exercises
If your band can play unison exercises in tune then they are more likely to get chords in tune. Seriously, if they are struggling in unison they are never going to get chords in tune. Slow down a little and try something in unison, you may be surprised how much it can help. If you have not tried it and you think they play in tune. Have students play a unison exercise and record it on your phone. When you listen back to it you will hear more pitch problems then you ever thought. I know because i tried it. I thought they were in tune but was mistaken. |
2. Use a Drone
Playing a drone while playing unison exercise gives a super power to your exercises. Students can now start to compare their pitch to something that does not change. Hearing how different adjustments in pitches compares to the drone is the thing you want students to be able to do. This will not happen in one day but with a little practice several times a week it can make a big difference over time.
3. Teach Common Pitch Problems
Each instrument has problems unique to their instrument and if you do not address these things they will always struggle with them. Kids don't just solve all pitch problems on their own. They need guidance and direct instruction on what to do to fix these problems. Band Intonation Exercises or Guides can help you teach all these instrument centric problems quickly because they are all in each instruments part. You just have to run through the exercises and students have all the hints in their own part. Yes, they are in the score and in parts so you can help guide students but don't have to say them all the time because they are already in the exercises for them.
Each instrument has problems unique to their instrument and if you do not address these things they will always struggle with them. Kids don't just solve all pitch problems on their own. They need guidance and direct instruction on what to do to fix these problems. Band Intonation Exercises or Guides can help you teach all these instrument centric problems quickly because they are all in each instruments part. You just have to run through the exercises and students have all the hints in their own part. Yes, they are in the score and in parts so you can help guide students but don't have to say them all the time because they are already in the exercises for them.
4. Play - Sing - Play Singing is a very powerful way of helping students hear better and adjust the pitch of their instrument. Band Intonation Exercises has the Solfege written for the director to help teach kids on unison exercises sing their part. 5. Practice Intonation often but for a short time The best way to loose your students is to practice intonation and start helping any section get in tune. Band Intonation Exercises was designed to make teaching intonation easy, quick and keep kids engage because the info is all in the music. You have all the info right at your finger tips to give quick instruction and get back to playing. Practice band intonation a couple times a week for two or three minutes and you will find more success and kids wont hate every time you talk about intonation. They will stay engaged because you found a better way to teach. |
Band Intonation Exercises Score and Parts (Paper Copies) |
6. Chorales after unisons
Now kids have learned to adjust pitch and play unisons in tune - play chorales. You will find two things.
1. Unisons were your problem before.
2. Giving instrument centric hints in chorales is just as important as in unison exercises.
playing chorales is powerful but I developed Band Intonation Chorales to help give direct instruction on how to improve intonation when playing chords. Which notes need adjusted in the chord for just intonation. Which notes are more out of tune because of how my instrument is built. All these are included in 264 chorales written specifically for all 12 major and minor keys.
Now kids have learned to adjust pitch and play unisons in tune - play chorales. You will find two things.
1. Unisons were your problem before.
2. Giving instrument centric hints in chorales is just as important as in unison exercises.
playing chorales is powerful but I developed Band Intonation Chorales to help give direct instruction on how to improve intonation when playing chords. Which notes need adjusted in the chord for just intonation. Which notes are more out of tune because of how my instrument is built. All these are included in 264 chorales written specifically for all 12 major and minor keys.
How does Band Intonation Exercises and Chorales work?
Ways to Purchase Band Intonation Exercises
What are Band Directors saying about
Band Intonation Exercises and Chorales?
"I purchased a bunch of your stuff last year & I love it."
Jeff Canter, Thorne Middle School, President All Shore Intermediate Band Directors Assoc.
Jeff Canter, Thorne Middle School, President All Shore Intermediate Band Directors Assoc.
"I bought them about a year ago, They are Fantastic!"
Geoff Despain, Eastern Arizona College as posted on BDG Facebook Page
Geoff Despain, Eastern Arizona College as posted on BDG Facebook Page
"The approach is simplistic in it's delivery, concise, student led/driven, and very teachable - even to the most novice. If you are looking for a great, practical, teachable way to have your bands play more in tune - I would highly suggest looking at this resource!"
Josh Bartz, Portage Northern High School as posted on BDG Facebook Page
Josh Bartz, Portage Northern High School as posted on BDG Facebook Page
"Band directors do not have time NOT to teach intonation."
"Incorporating Brian's ideas into your band programs will propel you to receive SUPERIOR RATINGS at any festival you attend plus you are doing the kids a lifelong service by teaching them to adjust for Pitch Tendencies at a young age.
Walter Witteman, New Jersey All State Middle School Band Director
"Band Intonation Exercises teaches everything I learned in college about tuning in pedagogy classes but all organized into one place, I have not seen any other method like this"
Mitch Gahr, California Teacher of the year
Ways to Purchase
Band Intonation Exercises and Chorales
Band Intonation Guides (PDF)
What do you get in your purchase?
Band Intonation Guides Reproducible PDF
What is taught?
Individual Instrument guides with common pitch problems for each instrument. Guides to other common problems and solutions including mouthpiece pitches, how to adjust pitch, temperature, how mutes affect pitch, valve combination problems, how dynamics affect pitch, slide problems, and many more.
16 Different Guides
- Guides all instruments
- Both F Horn side and Bb side for double horns.
- Bass clef and Treble Clef Euphonium Guides
- Guide for F attachment horns
- etc.
You will receive a link to download files in your receipt. You will have 3 downloads.
Band Intonation Exercises (PDF)
What do you get in your purchase?
Band Intonation Exercises Reproducible PDF of score and parts plus accompaniment tracks.
What is taught?
BIE is an innovative approach to teaching intonation showing pitch tendencies, pitch guides, and unison exercises. It teaches students to listen and adjust pitch with accompaniment tracks (Link in score PDF), exercises in unison, and natural pitch tendencies. The pitch guide shows how dynamics, temperature, reed strength, and many more things affect pitch.
Each instrument gets a
- Pitch Tendency Chart
- Intonation Issues and Solutions
- 19 Pitch Tendency Exercises
You will receive a link to download files in your receipt. You will have 3 downloads. Accompaniment tracks are available through the link in the PDF of Score.
Band Intonation Exercises Score and Parts (Paper Copies)
This is for physical copies of music shipped to you.
Band Intonation Exercises teach your band to listen and adjust the pitch. It shows the natural pitch tendencies of each instrument and gives ways to resolve pitch problems. Hints: and tips for each instrument. It includes MP3 practice tracks.
Each instrument gets a
- Pitch Tendency Chart
- Intonation Issues and Solutions
- 19 Pitch Tendency Exercises
- To practice and apply what you learn
Each Order Includes:
Paper copies for a regular-size band
Band Intonation Exercises Score and Parts (Paper Copies) + Reproducible PDF
This is for physical copies of music shipped to you plus PDF of everything so you can make copies for your group if you do not have enough.
Band Intonation Exercises teach your band to listen and adjust the pitch. It shows the natural pitch tendencies of each instrument and gives ways to resolve pitch problems. Hints: and tips for each instrument. It includes MP3 practice tracks.
Each instrument gets a
- Pitch Tendency Chart
- Intonation Issues and Solutions
- 19 Pitch Tendency Exercises
- To practice and apply what you learn
Each Order Includes:
Paper copies for a regular-size band + Reproducible PDF (Sent Via email after)
Band Intonation Chorales: Complete Set
Improve your band's intonation with our expert exercises and chorales.
Band Intonation Chorales All Major and Minor Keys is an innovative approach to teaching intonation through Chorales.
What is Taught?
- Natural pitch tendencies: Band intonation exercises teach students to recognize and understand the natural tendencies of different instruments and how they affect the overall sound of the ensemble. This includes understanding how certain notes tend to be sharp or flat on specific instruments and how to adjust for this.
- Identifying sharp and flat notes: Through exercises and chorales, students learn to identify when a note is out of tune and to distinguish between sharp and flat notes. This is an essential skill for achieving good intonation in a band setting.
- Just intonation: Band intonation exercises often focus on teaching students how to adjust their pitch to match just intonation.
- Matching pitch: Band intonation exercises are designed to help students match their pitch with other players in the ensemble, improving the overall sound of the band.
- Listening skills: Band intonation exercises also help improve students' listening skills, as they must listen closely to the other players in the ensemble and to themselves to achieve good intonation.
This Complete set is a drastic saving over buying each chorale separately.
This item will be emailed to you through a link within 48 hours of your order. usually much quicker.
The link to download will be sent via email.
Band Intonation Chorales: Bb Major
Improve your band's intonation with our expert exercises and chorales.
Band Intonation Chorales Bb Major is an innovative approach to teaching intonation through Chorales.
What is Taught?
- Natural pitch tendencies: Band intonation exercises teach students to recognize and understand the natural tendencies of different instruments and how they affect the overall sound of the ensemble. This includes understanding how certain notes tend to be sharp or flat on specific instruments and how to adjust for this.
- Identifying sharp and flat notes: Through exercises and chorales, students learn to identify when a note is out of tune and to distinguish between sharp and flat notes. This is an essential skill for achieving good intonation in a band setting.
- Just intonation: Band intonation exercises often focus on teaching students how to adjust their pitch to match just intonation.
- Matching pitch: Band intonation exercises are designed to help students match their pitch with other players in the ensemble, improving the overall sound of the band.
- Listening skills: Band intonation exercises also help improve students' listening skills, as they must listen closely to the other players in the ensemble and to themselves to achieve good intonation.
This Complete set is a drastic saving over buying each chorale separately.
This item will be emailed to you through a link within 48 hours of your order. Usually much quicker.
Band Intonation Chorales: F Major
Improve your band's intonation with our expert exercises and chorales.
Band Intonation Chorales F Major is an innovative approach to teaching intonation through Chorales.
What is Taught?
- Natural pitch tendencies: Band intonation exercises teach students to recognize and understand the natural tendencies of different instruments and how they affect the overall sound of the ensemble. This includes understanding how certain notes tend to be sharp or flat on specific instruments and how to adjust for this.
- Identifying sharp and flat notes: Through exercises and chorales, students learn to identify when a note is out of tune and to distinguish between sharp and flat notes. This is an essential skill for achieving good intonation in a band setting.
- Just intonation: Band intonation exercises often focus on teaching students how to adjust their pitch to match just intonation.
- Matching pitch: Band intonation exercises are designed to help students match their pitch with other players in the ensemble, improving the overall sound of the band.
- Listening skills: Band intonation exercises also help improve students' listening skills, as they must listen closely to the other players in the ensemble and to themselves to achieve good intonation.
This Complete set is a drastic saving over buying each chorale separately.
This item will be emailed to you through a link within 48 hours of your order. Usually much quicker.
Band Intonation Chorales: Eb Minor
Improve your band's intonation with our expert exercises and chorales.
Band Intonation Chorales Eb Minor is an innovative approach to teaching intonation through Chorales.
What is Taught?
- Natural pitch tendencies: Band intonation exercises teach students to recognize and understand the natural tendencies of different instruments and how they affect the overall sound of the ensemble. This includes understanding how certain notes tend to be sharp or flat on specific instruments and how to adjust for this.
- Identifying sharp and flat notes: Through exercises and chorales, students learn to identify when a note is out of tune and to distinguish between sharp and flat notes. This is an essential skill for achieving good intonation in a band setting.
- Just intonation: Band intonation exercises often focus on teaching students how to adjust their pitch to match just intonation.
- Matching pitch: Band intonation exercises are designed to help students match their pitch with other players in the ensemble, improving the overall sound of the band.
- Listening skills: Band intonation exercises also help improve students' listening skills, as they must listen closely to the other players in the ensemble and to themselves to achieve good intonation.
This Complete set is a drastic saving over buying each chorale separately.
This item will be emailed to you through a link within 48 hours of your order. Usually much quicker.
Demo Band Intonation Exercises
Listen and watch to hear Band Intonation Exercises
Band Intonation Exercises
Band Intonation Exercises Score and Parts (Paper Copies) + Reproducible PDF
This is for physical copies of music shipped to you plus PDF of everything so you can make copies for your group if you do not have enough.
Band Intonation Exercises teach your band to listen and adjust the pitch. It shows the natural pitch tendencies of each instrument and gives ways to resolve pitch problems. Hints: and tips for each instrument. It includes MP3 practice tracks.
Each instrument gets a
- Pitch Tendency Chart
- Intonation Issues and Solutions
- 19 Pitch Tendency Exercises
- To practice and apply what you learn
Each Order Includes:
Paper copies for a regular-size band + Reproducible PDF (Sent Via email after)
Band Intonation Exercises (PDF)
What do you get in your purchase?
Band Intonation Exercises Reproducible PDF of score and parts plus accompaniment tracks.
What is taught?
BIE is an innovative approach to teaching intonation showing pitch tendencies, pitch guides, and unison exercises. It teaches students to listen and adjust pitch with accompaniment tracks (Link in score PDF), exercises in unison, and natural pitch tendencies. The pitch guide shows how dynamics, temperature, reed strength, and many more things affect pitch.
Each instrument gets a
- Pitch Tendency Chart
- Intonation Issues and Solutions
- 19 Pitch Tendency Exercises
You will receive a link to download files in your receipt. You will have 3 downloads. Accompaniment tracks are available through the link in the PDF of Score.
Band Intonation Chorales: Bb Major
Improve your band's intonation with our expert exercises and chorales.
Band Intonation Chorales Bb Major is an innovative approach to teaching intonation through Chorales.
What is Taught?
- Natural pitch tendencies: Band intonation exercises teach students to recognize and understand the natural tendencies of different instruments and how they affect the overall sound of the ensemble. This includes understanding how certain notes tend to be sharp or flat on specific instruments and how to adjust for this.
- Identifying sharp and flat notes: Through exercises and chorales, students learn to identify when a note is out of tune and to distinguish between sharp and flat notes. This is an essential skill for achieving good intonation in a band setting.
- Just intonation: Band intonation exercises often focus on teaching students how to adjust their pitch to match just intonation.
- Matching pitch: Band intonation exercises are designed to help students match their pitch with other players in the ensemble, improving the overall sound of the band.
- Listening skills: Band intonation exercises also help improve students' listening skills, as they must listen closely to the other players in the ensemble and to themselves to achieve good intonation.
This Complete set is a drastic saving over buying each chorale separately.
This item will be emailed to you through a link within 48 hours of your order. Usually much quicker.
Band Intonation Chorales: F Major
Improve your band's intonation with our expert exercises and chorales.
Band Intonation Chorales F Major is an innovative approach to teaching intonation through Chorales.
What is Taught?
- Natural pitch tendencies: Band intonation exercises teach students to recognize and understand the natural tendencies of different instruments and how they affect the overall sound of the ensemble. This includes understanding how certain notes tend to be sharp or flat on specific instruments and how to adjust for this.
- Identifying sharp and flat notes: Through exercises and chorales, students learn to identify when a note is out of tune and to distinguish between sharp and flat notes. This is an essential skill for achieving good intonation in a band setting.
- Just intonation: Band intonation exercises often focus on teaching students how to adjust their pitch to match just intonation.
- Matching pitch: Band intonation exercises are designed to help students match their pitch with other players in the ensemble, improving the overall sound of the band.
- Listening skills: Band intonation exercises also help improve students' listening skills, as they must listen closely to the other players in the ensemble and to themselves to achieve good intonation.
This Complete set is a drastic saving over buying each chorale separately.
This item will be emailed to you through a link within 48 hours of your order. Usually much quicker.
Band Intonation Chorales: Eb Major
Improve your band's intonation with our expert exercises and chorales.
Band Intonation Chorales Eb Major is an innovative approach to teaching intonation through Chorales.
What is Taught?
- Natural pitch tendencies: Band intonation exercises teach students to recognize and understand the natural tendencies of different instruments and how they affect the overall sound of the ensemble. This includes understanding how certain notes tend to be sharp or flat on specific instruments and how to adjust for this.
- Identifying sharp and flat notes: Through exercises and chorales, students learn to identify when a note is out of tune and to distinguish between sharp and flat notes. This is an essential skill for achieving good intonation in a band setting.
- Just intonation: Band intonation exercises often focus on teaching students how to adjust their pitch to match just intonation.
- Matching pitch: Band intonation exercises are designed to help students match their pitch with other players in the ensemble, improving the overall sound of the band.
- Listening skills: Band intonation exercises also help improve students' listening skills, as they must listen closely to the other players in the ensemble and to themselves to achieve good intonation.
This Complete set is a drastic saving over buying each chorale separately.
This item will be emailed to you through a link within 48 hours of your order. Usually much quicker.
Band Intonation Chorales: Ab Major
Improve your band's intonation with our expert exercises and chorales.
Band Intonation Chorales Ab Major is an innovative approach to teaching intonation through Chorales.
What is Taught?
- Natural pitch tendencies: Band intonation exercises teach students to recognize and understand the natural tendencies of different instruments and how they affect the overall sound of the ensemble. This includes understanding how certain notes tend to be sharp or flat on specific instruments and how to adjust for this.
- Identifying sharp and flat notes: Through exercises and chorales, students learn to identify when a note is out of tune and to distinguish between sharp and flat notes. This is an essential skill for achieving good intonation in a band setting.
- Just intonation: Band intonation exercises often focus on teaching students how to adjust their pitch to match just intonation.
- Matching pitch: Band intonation exercises are designed to help students match their pitch with other players in the ensemble, improving the overall sound of the band.
- Listening skills: Band intonation exercises also help improve students' listening skills, as they must listen closely to the other players in the ensemble and to themselves to achieve good intonation.
This Complete set is a drastic saving over buying each chorale separately.
This item will be emailed to you through a link within 48 hours of your order. Usually much quicker.
Band Intonation Chorales: Db Major
Improve your band's intonation with our expert exercises and chorales.
Band Intonation Chorales Db Major is an innovative approach to teaching intonation through Chorales.
What is Taught?
- Natural pitch tendencies: Band intonation exercises teach students to recognize and understand the natural tendencies of different instruments and how they affect the overall sound of the ensemble. This includes understanding how certain notes tend to be sharp or flat on specific instruments and how to adjust for this.
- Identifying sharp and flat notes: Through exercises and chorales, students learn to identify when a note is out of tune and to distinguish between sharp and flat notes. This is an essential skill for achieving good intonation in a band setting.
- Just intonation: Band intonation exercises often focus on teaching students how to adjust their pitch to match just intonation.
- Matching pitch: Band intonation exercises are designed to help students match their pitch with other players in the ensemble, improving the overall sound of the band.
- Listening skills: Band intonation exercises also help improve students' listening skills, as they must listen closely to the other players in the ensemble and to themselves to achieve good intonation.
This Complete set is a drastic saving over buying each chorale separately.
This item will be emailed to you through a link within 48 hours of your order. Usually much quicker.
Band Intonation Chorales: Gb Major
Improve your band's intonation with our expert exercises and chorales.
Band Intonation Chorales Gb Major is an innovative approach to teaching intonation through Chorales.
What is Taught?
- Natural pitch tendencies: Band intonation exercises teach students to recognize and understand the natural tendencies of different instruments and how they affect the overall sound of the ensemble. This includes understanding how certain notes tend to be sharp or flat on specific instruments and how to adjust for this.
- Identifying sharp and flat notes: Through exercises and chorales, students learn to identify when a note is out of tune and to distinguish between sharp and flat notes. This is an essential skill for achieving good intonation in a band setting.
- Just intonation: Band intonation exercises often focus on teaching students how to adjust their pitch to match just intonation.
- Matching pitch: Band intonation exercises are designed to help students match their pitch with other players in the ensemble, improving the overall sound of the band.
- Listening skills: Band intonation exercises also help improve students' listening skills, as they must listen closely to the other players in the ensemble and to themselves to achieve good intonation.
This Complete set is a drastic saving over buying each chorale separately.
This item will be emailed to you through a link within 48 hours of your order. Usually much quicker.
Band Intonation Chorales: B Major
Improve your band's intonation with our expert exercises and chorales.
Band Intonation Chorales B Major is an innovative approach to teaching intonation through Chorales.
What is Taught?
- Natural pitch tendencies: Band intonation exercises teach students to recognize and understand the natural tendencies of different instruments and how they affect the overall sound of the ensemble. This includes understanding how certain notes tend to be sharp or flat on specific instruments and how to adjust for this.
- Identifying sharp and flat notes: Through exercises and chorales, students learn to identify when a note is out of tune and to distinguish between sharp and flat notes. This is an essential skill for achieving good intonation in a band setting.
- Just intonation: Band intonation exercises often focus on teaching students how to adjust their pitch to match just intonation.
- Matching pitch: Band intonation exercises are designed to help students match their pitch with other players in the ensemble, improving the overall sound of the band.
- Listening skills: Band intonation exercises also help improve students' listening skills, as they must listen closely to the other players in the ensemble and to themselves to achieve good intonation.
This Complete set is a drastic saving over buying each chorale separately.
This item will be emailed to you through a link within 48 hours of your order. Usually much quicker.
Band Intonation Chorales: E Major
Improve your band's intonation with our expert exercises and chorales.
Band Intonation Chorales E Major is an innovative approach to teaching intonation through Chorales.
What is Taught?
- Natural pitch tendencies: Band intonation exercises teach students to recognize and understand the natural tendencies of different instruments and how they affect the overall sound of the ensemble. This includes understanding how certain notes tend to be sharp or flat on specific instruments and how to adjust for this.
- Identifying sharp and flat notes: Through exercises and chorales, students learn to identify when a note is out of tune and to distinguish between sharp and flat notes. This is an essential skill for achieving good intonation in a band setting.
- Just intonation: Band intonation exercises often focus on teaching students how to adjust their pitch to match just intonation.
- Matching pitch: Band intonation exercises are designed to help students match their pitch with other players in the ensemble, improving the overall sound of the band.
- Listening skills: Band intonation exercises also help improve students' listening skills, as they must listen closely to the other players in the ensemble and to themselves to achieve good intonation.
This Complete set is a drastic saving over buying each chorale separately.
This item will be emailed to you through a link within 48 hours of your order. Usually much quicker.
Band Intonation Chorales: A Major
Improve your band's intonation with our expert exercises and chorales.
Band Intonation Chorales A Major is an innovative approach to teaching intonation through Chorales.
What is Taught?
- Natural pitch tendencies: Band intonation exercises teach students to recognize and understand the natural tendencies of different instruments and how they affect the overall sound of the ensemble. This includes understanding how certain notes tend to be sharp or flat on specific instruments and how to adjust for this.
- Identifying sharp and flat notes: Through exercises and chorales, students learn to identify when a note is out of tune and to distinguish between sharp and flat notes. This is an essential skill for achieving good intonation in a band setting.
- Just intonation: Band intonation exercises often focus on teaching students how to adjust their pitch to match just intonation.
- Matching pitch: Band intonation exercises are designed to help students match their pitch with other players in the ensemble, improving the overall sound of the band.
- Listening skills: Band intonation exercises also help improve students' listening skills, as they must listen closely to the other players in the ensemble and to themselves to achieve good intonation.
This Complete set is a drastic saving over buying each chorale separately.
This item will be emailed to you through a link within 48 hours of your order. Usually much quicker.
Band Intonation Chorales: D Major
Improve your band's intonation with our expert exercises and chorales.
Band Intonation Chorales D Major is an innovative approach to teaching intonation through Chorales.
What is Taught?
- Natural pitch tendencies: Band intonation exercises teach students to recognize and understand the natural tendencies of different instruments and how they affect the overall sound of the ensemble. This includes understanding how certain notes tend to be sharp or flat on specific instruments and how to adjust for this.
- Identifying sharp and flat notes: Through exercises and chorales, students learn to identify when a note is out of tune and to distinguish between sharp and flat notes. This is an essential skill for achieving good intonation in a band setting.
- Just intonation: Band intonation exercises often focus on teaching students how to adjust their pitch to match just intonation.
- Matching pitch: Band intonation exercises are designed to help students match their pitch with other players in the ensemble, improving the overall sound of the band.
- Listening skills: Band intonation exercises also help improve students' listening skills, as they must listen closely to the other players in the ensemble and to themselves to achieve good intonation.
This Complete set is a drastic saving over buying each chorale separately.
This item will be emailed to you through a link within 48 hours of your order. Usually much quicker.